Astrology Reading

3 Month transit reading audio recording - £55 (return clients only)

This astrology reading will focus on the upcoming 3 months and key transits to guide and support you. This audio recorded reading will cover upcoming potential opportunities, any potential challenges and I will also be looking into at all areas of life or the areas that these transits directly impact.

Please note that this reading is an audio recording and not a live reading. Your audio recording will be sent to you via a link to google drive within 5-8 working days from when you have filled in the details form. Please ensure that you download and save your audio reading straight away, as the recording will be available or up to 5 days from when we email you the the link. Past 5 days the recording will be deleted.

If you have a specific area of life you would like to focus on please share in the form. This reading does not give the option to ask specific questions, If you have specific questions in mind, please head to the main offerings page and look into a follow-up reading. Please also use the space in the form to share any additional information you feel would be helpful to know.

Please note: Once you have purchased your reading, there will be a link to a form for you to fill in with your details.

For your reading I will need your exact: Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth

To book in for your reading, Click Here

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If you have any questions please email: