New Moon & Full Moon Circles
We gather on every New Moon and Full Moon in community, to connect with the energies of the lunar cycle as we seed our intentions, connect to our innate wisdom and cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves.
As we meet in this virtual circle, I will open by connecting to the elements as we ground and root, followed by elements of guided meditation, yoga nidra, astrological guidance, collective tarot/oracle circle reading, mantra/chanting, sound healing and journaling.
These are practices I have been working with for years to support and guide myself and others. Each practice is informed by the themes of the current lunar cycle.
Each Moon Circle works with the Sidereal Zodiac which is used in Vedic Astrology.
Past Circles
* Inner Wisdom: a Full Moon Gathering at Manifest House *
Meet us at Manifest House as we gather on this Full Moon in Capricorn, to connect with the energies of the lunar cycle as we seed our intentions, connect to our innate wisdom and cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves.
As we meet in this virtual circle, our guide Kiran (they/them) will open by connecting to the elements as we ground and root, followed by elements of guided mudra meditation, healing Nidra, astrological guidance, gentle movement, collective tarot/oracle reading, sound healing and journaling.
With this full moon in Capricorn we welcome the opportunity to tap into the wisdom that lives within our bodies. Guided by our senses we will explore this connection through inner knowing and the guidance of ancestors and guides; creating a channel for divine wisdom. The full moon also marks the time to let go, to release expectations and release tension and stagnancy within the body.
* Full Moon In Virgo In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra*
With this full moon we welcome the opportunity to tap into the qualities of Virgo, as we make space to release perfection, order and productivity and invite in renewal, connection and union.
As we centre into our sacred space, you are invited to seek nourishment and solace as I lead a group healing session through Yoga Nidra and sound healing. Tapping deeper into the power of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, focusing on the aspects of sensuality, we flow into mudra and meditation holding space to cultivate deep connection with our bodies, showering ourselves with self-love and compassion.
We will experience the full moon through practices of, Yoga Nidra creating a channel and opening up to healing, mudra guided meditation, collective tarot circle reading, sound healing and journaling.
* Full Moon Circle Monday 17th January - In Cancer In Pushya Nakshatra*
As this Full Moon falls on Monday, Moons day and it sits in Pushya Nakshatra, known as the star that nourishes, we are surrounded by powerful energies. This is a time in which the focus is on healing, support and growth.
During this circle we will tap into the power of Pushya Nakshatra, and it’s lord Brihaspati (Jupiter) to connect to receiving wisdom from the divine. As we centre into our sacred space, we will be churning celestial energy to support our spiritual practices, inner sense of security and nourishment. We will nurture the seeds sown for inner healing and project this energy outwards.
We will experience the full moon through practices of, Yoga Nidra creating a channel and opening up to healing, mudra guided meditation, collective tarot circle reading, sound healing and journaling.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
* Solar Eclipse, New Moon Circle Saturday 4th December - In Scorpio In Jyestha Nakshatra*
We meet during the Scorpio Solar Eclipse in Jyestha Nakshatra, a period in which we will be undergoing deep transformation. This new moon will be felt on a deep soul level, as we feel the impact of change and upheaval.
During this circle we will tap into the power of Jyestha Nakshatra, the power to overcome. Create space to process thoughts and emotions and flow through practices that support to work through fear and resistance.
To bring balance to this activating New Moon we will also make space for deep relaxation. With this, we invite understanding and accept the wisdom that comes with transformation.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
* Lunar Ecplise, Full Moon Circle Friday 19th November - In Taurus In Krittika Nakshatra*
With this Taurus Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Krittika Nakshatra, we will be focusing on supporting the emotional body.
A highly intense period, as the Moon here is at its exaltation point so your mind, emotions and inner world will be greatly impacted. There will be sense of heaviness around this time, in the body, mind and relationships.
And so during this transformational time, we will focus on protection and healing the emotional body and cutting & clearing through emotional wounds.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
* Full Moon Circle Wednesday 20th October - in Aries in Ashwini Nakshatra*
The Ashwini Kumaras, (rulers of Ashwini Nakshatra) Twin healers, physicians to the Gods.
This full moon in Aries, Ashwini nakshatra invites us to tap into to Shakti, the power to heal. Connecting to the nature of the celestial twins, the Ashwini Kumaras, who are known as healers and physicians we are being invited to channel this fiery Aries energy inwards.
Ashwini nakshatra is full of speed, non-stop exertion and restless in nature and so with this full moon we will utilise this energy towards healing, connecting in with the body and where we most need sanctuary. With the Lunar and Solar Eclipse slowly approaching, now is the time to support yourself for what is to unfold.
This Aries full moon circle holds the invitation to work with fire for purification, herbs to settle and open the body, hold space for rejuvenation and immerse yourself in healing practices.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
* Special New Moon Gathering X Womxn of Color Summit:
Trauma Informed Protection Magic: A New Moon Gathering *
This New Moon in Libra will focus on
Trauma Informed Protection Magic through grounding, shadow work, intuitive and psychic development, and more.
I’m excited to share that I will be collaborating with the Womxn of Color Summit as the guest facilitator for their New Moon Gathering on the 6th October. This gathering follows the tropical/western zodiac as we will be gathering for the New Moon in Libra in Swati Nakshatra.
This Libra New Moon is a beautiful time to get grounded, to work towards self-acceptance and self-compassion. This grounding comes through dropping into and trusting oneself. It is all about working with the idea of safety and regulating the nervous system. In this gathering, we will work on magically protecting ourselves.
New Moon affirmation: I am safe to be me.
I’m excited to serve and be in community with this new moon gathering and I hope to see you there!
*New Moon Circle Tuesday 7th September - in Leo in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra*
Palash "Flame of the Forest" - Connected to Purva Phalguni
As we welcome the month of September with the New Moon in Leo, we are guided to connect to our creativity, skills and what brings us pleasure with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.
This circle sets the space for us to connect to the planet Venus as it rules over this nakshatra, to flow into heart opening practices that support us to nurture, rest and revive as well as tap into our source of passion and abundance.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
*Full Moon Circle Saturday 24th July - in Capricorn in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra*
*New Moon Circle Saturday 10th July - in Gemini in Punarvasu Nakshatra*
With this New Moon taking place in Punarvasu nakshatra known as the ‘The star of Renewal’ we shift into this lunar phase with hope. The energy here is one of resiliency, the return after perseverance and making your way out of the storm.
Connecting with Mother Aditi, we also call upon the power we hold as individuals to bring nourishment and abundance into our lives. This new moon sets the space for us create, start anew and be open to receiving prosperity and healing.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
*Full Moon Circle Thursday 24th June - in Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra*
The energy of Mula Nakshatra is represented by tied roots and guides us to uncover all that is hidden and entrenched. All that has been untouched and pushed down will make its way to the surface calling upon transformation, healing old patterns and wounds.
Connecting to the root, this a time in which we will focus on Muladhara(Root) Chakra, as we are being called towards grounding practices and connecting with the earth, a time to release what no longer serves and give energy to what is calling for healing.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
New Moon Circle - Solar Eclipse in Mrigashira in Taurus
The energy of this Solar Eclipse in Mrigashira Nakshatra holds us deep in our feelings as our emotions begin to rise. We begin to feel overstretched and overwhelmed in mind and body, especially with Mercury retrograde in the same Nakshatra, causing miscommunication and confusion.
It is a powerful time to tap into the energy of Mrigashira, which is symbolised by the deer and the themes of chasing, restlessness and searching. A time for us to seek solace in our spiritual practices and meditation, a time to create stillness to combat this restless energy and process emotions.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
*Full Moon Circle Wednesday 26th May - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in Anuradha Nakshatra*
The energy of this Lunar Eclipse directs us to go inwards
It is a powerful time to surrender to the process of transformation with this eclipse taking place in Scorpio and connect deeper to our spiritual practices. This heightened Eclipse taking place in Anuradha Nakshatra, gives us the opportunity to tap into the energy of the Lotus Flower (Anuradha is symbolised by a Lotus), to break through the mud and flower beautifully, releasing and re-awakening.
During this pivotal time we will focus on creating space for resiliency and open up to healing to support ourselves during this period.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm (BST - please check your corresponding timezone)
Date: Wednesday 26th May
Where: Online Via Zoom
Sliding Scale Pricing Structure:
Community Price £10 || Sustainer Price £15
*New Moon Circle Tuesday 11th May - New Moon in Aries in Krittika Nakshatra*
The energy of the New Moon in Aries, in Krittika Nakshatra, allows us to connect with the deity Agni (fire), as Agni is the ruler of Krittika. This powerful New Moon give us the opportunity to burn and cut through what no longer serves us, as we enter a process of purification, whilst building strength and resiliency embodying the power of fire.
This circle is open to anyone who wishes to journey with the moon
Time: 7:45pm - 8:45pm (BST - please check your corresponding timezone)
Date: Tuesday 11th May
Where: Online Via Zoom
Sliding Scale Pricing Structure:
Community Price £10 || Sustainer Price £15